Archive for January 4, 2010

Long overdue

Not quite sure if anyone still checks our blog.  I apologize for the hiatus.  Life became really busy with deadlines with school, keeping up with the girls, and all the recent holidays.  The girls are now 7 months old.  They’ll be 8 months on January 18th.  I can’t believe how fast time flies.  They have cut their first tooth, and their second tooth will appear any day now.  They baby talk like crazy.  When they eat their solids, they say “NUM NUM.”  They give kisses though sloppy are wonderful.  They aren’t crawling yet, but they are rolling around like champs.  Just two nights ago, we broke down their pack and play bassinet, and they are now sleeping in their cribs in their nursery.  A part of me is sad that they are so big and no longer sleeping in mommy and daddy’s room.  But now they love sleeping unswaddled (finally) on their sides and tummies in their big girl cribs. 

Christmas was very special this year since it was our first Christmas as a family.  I know next Christmas will be so much fun.  We have Doug’s mom here for a month, and his dad arrives tomorrow.  We probably won’t see them again until next Christmas so we’re enjoying our time together.  I’ll try harder to keep this blog up to date.  Thanks for those of you who continue to check in on us.  2010 is going to be an awesome year.